''Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum''

 Holy Week is the most sacred week in the liturgical year in Christianity. For all Christian traditions it is a moveable observance. In Eastern Christianity, which also calls it Great Week, it is the week following Great Lent and Lazarus Saturday, starting on the evening of Palm Sunday and concluding on the evening of Great Saturday. In Western Christianity, Holy Week is the sixth and last week of Lent, beginning with Palm Sunday and concluding on Holy Saturday.

 So Holy Week in the Philippines starts from Palm Sunday. This is where we celebrate Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem. Filipinos diligently attend mass on this day and hold their palm fronds which they can buy or create as a vestige of the celebration. On Holy, Monday, numerous religious people visit seven churches to pray and consider the Stations of the Cross inside and outside town. This is called “Viseta Iglesia”. Holy Week is a time for us to rest, bond with friends and families whilst also participating masses and other religious activities. Many people travel to either visit their relatives or just merely sightseeing. We decided that for a while, we’ll just stay inside the house. Both of my parents are teachers so both of them have TONS of work to do. But it’s okay as long as we are together, bonding.

 To Christians, Holy Week is significant because it reminds them of how God sacrificed His only Son, Jesus Christ, as a sign of His love and a plan of redemption for His people. The day also celebrates how God raised Jesus from the dead, and how He destroyed and overcame the power of sin and death forever.


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