Significance of Labor Day in the Philippines


    Labor Day, celebrated every 1st of May in the Philippines. While many of us know it is a holiday, few of the people know its significance. It is the day to honor workers for their deeds. It is the day we recognize our dear workers' hard work and dedication. In this blog, you will see how this holiday isn't just your regular holiday.

    According to National Today, Philippines Labor Day is celebrated annually on May 1 to celebrate hardworking Filipinos across the country. In Filipino, it is known as ‘Araw ng mga Manggagawa’. People in the Philippines relax and spend the day with their family and friends. Philippines Labor Day was first celebrated on May 1, 1903. More than 100,000 employees were organized by the country’s first labor organization, “Union Obrera Democratica de Filipina (U.O.D.F.),” to march from Tondo’s Plaza Moriones to Malacanang. These workers protested and demanded fair wages and better working conditions from the then-American-led government. The event is considered one of the first protests in the streets of Manila. The party demanded fair working conditions for the labor sector, including eight-hour working days, an end to child labor, equal labor standards for women, and employers’ liability to their employees. Labor Day has been synonymous with demonstrations and rallies organized by the labor sector since 1903. To convince the Philippine government to raise the minimum wage, eliminate labor contractualization, and control market fuel prices, more than 40 labor federations joined forces to form the NAGKAISA coalition in 2012. Thus this holiday was created.

    The celebration of Labor Day is not just another public holiday that Filipinos celebrate every year. It represents the hard-fought struggles of labor unions and organized trades to demand fairer working conditions and workers’ rights. This day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for decent employment opportunities, humane wages, safe workplaces, and social protection.


National Today. (n.d.). Philippines Labor Day. Retrieved June 27, 2023, from,with%20their%20family%20and%20friends.

TDT. (2023, April 30). Hijacking Labor Day. Tribune Daily.


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