The Journey Forward


    The future is full with fascinating possibilities and chances. It is a period when we imagine the person we want to be, the goals we want to attain, and the difference we want to make in the world. Reflecting on my own journey, I've started to think about what I see for myself in the near future. It is a future that both excites and challenges me as I seek to carve a route that is consistent with my interests, values, and goals. In this essay, I will describe the academic, emotional, and professional parts of my future that I intend to embrace on my journey to success.

    I want to become a lawyer though in the next decade I'll still be studying law. I see myself as a lawyer defending my client. I also see myself in a nice, warm house. Though it's nice to plan and imagine your future, we need to stick to the quote "Acta, non verba." which means actions, not words. My goals for the future include expansion, impact, and meaning. I want to be a person who excels academically, values personal development and wellbeing, positively impacts society, and succeeds professionally as a leader in my industry. 

    I am confident in my ability to sculpt the future I envision by setting clear goals, developing a passion for lifelong learning, and remaining flexible. I'm eager to start this journey toward a fruitful and significant future with tenacity, perseverance, and a clear sense of purpose.


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