Veni, vidi, vici.


     As this quarter at the same time, this school year comes to an end, it will be a great time to reflect. It has been a period of new lessons and challenges. This was a roller coaster of a journey. We've encountered several challenges along the way but here you are, reading my blog! Senior high school is just around the corner. But wait, before that, let's reflect on this quarter.

    The last quarter has been a blur of academic activities. I've learned about new subjects, thoughts, and ways of thinking. It's been both difficult and rewarding. One crucial thing I've learnt is the importance of time management. With a higher workload, I discovered how important it was to prioritize duties and strike a balance between learning and self-care. This quarter has taught me the importance of perseverance and discipline in obtaining academic achievement. Throughout the quarter, I faced a variety of problems that put my resilience and problem-solving skills to the test. These obstacles, ranging from difficult school works to personal setbacks, have taught me the value of patience and adaptability. Setbacks, I've realized, are not markers of failure, but rather opportunities for growth and learning. I discovered my own ability for resilience by confronting obstacles with a positive perspective and seeking help when needed.

    Reflecting on the past quarter, I am glad for the chances, challenges, and progress it has brought into my life. It's been a time of academic exploration, personal growth, and resilience building. Looking ahead, I am motivated to keep learning, improving, and making the most of any new opportunity that comes my way. As I move forward, I will bring the lessons from the previous quarter with me, accepting obstacles, cherishing connections, and working to be the best version of myself.


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