
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Journey Forward

          The future is full with fascinating possibilities and chances. It is a period when we imagine the person we want to be, the goals we want to attain, and the difference we want to make in the world. Reflecting on my own journey, I've started to think about what I see for myself in the near future. It is a future that both excites and challenges me as I seek to carve a route that is consistent with my interests, values, and goals. In this essay, I will describe the academic, emotional, and professional parts of my future that I intend to embrace on my journey to success.     I want to become a lawyer though in the next decade I'll still be studying law. I see myself as a lawyer defending my client. I also see myself in a nice, warm house. Though it's nice to plan and imagine your future, we need to stick to the quote " Acta, non verba." which means actions, not words. My goals for the future include expansion, impact, and meaning. I want to be a person who

Veni, vidi, vici.

          As this quarter at the same time, this school year comes to an end, it will be a great time to reflect.  It has been a period of new lessons and challenges. This was a roller coaster of a journey. We've encountered several challenges along the way but here you are, reading my blog! Senior high school is just around the corner. But wait, before that, let's reflect on this quarter.      The last quarter has been a blur of academic activities. I've learned about new subjects, thoughts, and ways of thinking. It's been both difficult and rewarding. One crucial thing I've learnt is the importance of time management. With a higher workload, I discovered how important it was to prioritize duties and strike a balance between learning and self-care. This quarter has taught me the importance of perseverance and discipline in obtaining academic achievement. Throughout the quarter, I faced a variety of problems that put my resilience and problem-solving skills to the t

“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Gandhi

          Change is not easy. It comes slowly, with risks, failures and criticisms. And in many cases, fear of them prevents us from taking steps to change. This first step is the hardest and scariest part of the process because it leaves you vulnerable. But it also opens the door to freedom and great opportunities. Making the decision to change is a difficult decision, and making the effort and staying on track is just as difficult and important, but as the saying goes, good things never come easy.       The first step in initiating change is recognizing the power within each of us. We often underestimate our ability to influence the world because we believe that meaningful change can only be achieved by those in positions of authority and influence. But history shows that ordinary people have the ability to cause extraordinary movements. When you understand your potential, you can take responsibility for your actions and take responsibility for making a difference. Change is not an o

Ilaw ng Tahanan

            Mother's Day is the day we pay homage to our mothers and express our gratitude for the unconditional love and sacrifices they have made for us. She is our role model, our confidante, and our source of unwavering support.      My mother has surrounded me with her unfailing love and support since the minute I came into this world. Her comforting presence has consistently been a source of solace and security. She has always been there for me, whether to rejoice in my accomplishments or to give me comfort when I was down. She has been my pillar of support, always willing to listen sympathetically and offer supportive words. In the face of difficulty, my mother is the epitome of bravery and fortitude. She has taught me the value of endurance and dedication via her own experiences. I have seen her conquer challenges with dignity and tenacity, never giving up. Her tenacity has given me hope and the conviction that I am capable of overcoming any obstacle in my path. The selfles

Significance of Labor Day in the Philippines

            Labor Day, celebrated every 1st of May in the Philippines. While many of us know it is a holiday, few of the people know its significance. It is the day to honor workers for their deeds. It is the day we recognize our dear workers' hard work and dedication. In this blog, you will see how this holiday isn't just your regular holiday.     According to National Today,  Philippines Labor Day is celebrated annually on May 1 to celebrate hardworking Filipinos across the country. In Filipino, it is known as ‘Araw ng mga Manggagawa’. People in the Philippines relax and spend the day with their family and friends. Philippines Labor Day was first celebrated on May 1, 1903. More than 100,000 employees were organized by the country’s first labor organization, “Union Obrera Democratica de Filipina (U.O.D.F.),” to march from Tondo’s Plaza Moriones to Malacanang. These workers protested and demanded fair wages and better working conditions from the then-American-led government. Th